Welcome to our podcast hub, a place where families and providers caring for children with special health care needs can find informative yet casual conversations.
We understand that life can get busy, so our podcasts are designed to provide insights and connect you with other caregivers and professionals while on the go. Tune in for a refreshing blend of wisdom and light-heartedness that fits into your hectic schedule.
YEAH Podcast Series: Youth Hiring Support Staff

In this series, YEAH (Youth for Education, Advocacy, and Health Care) council members talk about how support staff can make…
Podcast: Medical Home

In this podcast, Sylvia Pelletier talks with Jenn Pineo about what the phrase means, why it’s important for parents of…
Podcast: Guardianship

What is Guardianship? Who can be a guardian? When should I start thinking about guardianship? These and other questions are…
Podcast: Developmental Screening

NH Family Voices staff sits down with Dr.Nina Sand-Loud, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, and…
YEAH Podcast: My differently abled life

In this episode, YEAH Council members Emma Parcells and Martin Harvey-Olson discuss how their special healthcare conditions (CRPS, Pots, Lyme…
Podcast: Your Family, Your Voice

Guest Co-Host Robin deAlmeida, Project Director of Communications and Family Engagement at the Parent Information Center, joins the NH Children’s…
Podcast Series: Health Care Transition

A series of podcasts where you will hear a variety of perspectives, including youth, parents, providers, community agencies, and project staff who are working to improve healthcare transition for all youth and families. Tune in to hear why healthcare transition matters!
Podcast: Granite State Independent Living (GSIL)

Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) is a statewide organization that assists people with tools for living life independently. This podcast is an overview of GSIL, what they do for individuals with disabilities, what programs they offer, and how they can help someone who is maneuvering the adult system as an adult experiencing a disability.
Podcast: What is HCCSD (Katie Beckett)?

Are you trying to figure out what Katie Beckett Medicaid is? Terry Ohlson-Martin and Jenn Pineo talk about eligibility and…