Covering New Hampshire The Covering New Hampshire website is the official resource for Granite Staters to learn about the Health…
Resource Categories: Healthcare
Bureau of Family Assistance
The Bureau of Family Assistance administers programs and services for eligible NH residents, providing financial, medical, food, and nutritional assistance,…
Community Health Care Programs for Children
The Child Health Program Through this program, DHHS and the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health fund several community health…
Dental/Oral Health Resources and Clinics
Dental Clinic – NH Technical Institute Preventative oral health services are provided by NHTI’s dental hygiene students under the supervision…
Granite Advantage Health Care Program
This is Medicaid Expansion in NH. The program is for adults ages 19-65 who fall under certain income limits. Coverage…
Health Care Coordination
This program is for children and youth from ages birth to 21 who have a verified chronic medical condition. Coordinators…
Home Health Care/Private Duty Nursing/LNA/ Information
Different types of caregivers provide home health care services to children with special health care needs. They may be Registered…
New Hampshire Medicaid
New Hampshire Medicaid is a federal and state-funded insurance program that serves individuals and families who meet financial and other…
NH Health Insurance Marketplace “In-Person” Assistance
In New Hampshire, people can purchase Health Insurance through the NH Health Insurance Marketplace. Have questions? Want to learn more…
Supported Decision Making
A person in New Hampshire over the age of 18 is legally an adult and is presumed to be able…
The Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (ACA) became law in…
Women, Infants & Children Nutrition Services (WIC)
NH DHHS Office of Community & Public HealthTelephone: (603) 271‐4546 or TDD Number – (800) 735-2964Website: The New Hampshire…