What we do
We have been working with families, children, and the professionals that support them for over 40 years. Our organization provides information, resources, and training to help families, providers, and systems builders make informed decisions so that NH families of children with chronic conditions and/or disabilities can get the support they need to see their children thrive. We do this by:
- Helping families understand the systems of health care they are using and how to navigate and influence them
- Providing families with tools to make informed decisions as they experience diagnosis and treatment options
- Assisting families in accessing health care financing options for their family members with special health care needs.
- Bringing families, providers, and communities together to create “fully accessible” communities, places, and programs for children with special health care needs.
How we do it
We offer the following programs and services for families, providers, communities, and systems leaders:
- FREE individual phone consultations and support at 603-271-4525.
- We offer training, workshops, and coaching on a variety of topics, including family engagement, developmental screening, health care transition, helping families tell their stories, and living with unpredictability.
- Systems strengthening work through modalities such as building family-professional teams, facilitating focus groups to inform needs assessments and strategic planning, and consulting with organizations and groups on how to better understand the people they serve to inform service and program development.
- Development of family-friendly resources to help navigate and access the systems that families caring for children birth through 26 need such as:
- The NHFV Lending library contains thousands of books for Granite State families, children, and professionals to borrow for free. Books are delivered to your home or office and include a pre-paid envelope for hassle-free returns.
- A private Facebook group for families of children and youth with chronic conditions and/or disabilities where families can support each other by sharing information, resources, and experiences with each other.
- A website with over 800 resources that is searchable by age, diagnosis, system, or topic.
- Podcasts that cover a variety of topics, from developmental screening to transitioning from pediatric to adult health care, and more.
- A listing of support groups across the state for families and youth to attend.
NH Family Voices helps people navigate: