Covering New Hampshire The Covering New Hampshire website is the official resource for Granite Staters to learn about the Health…
Resource Categories: Healthcare Support and Resources
Bureau for Family-Centered Services
The Bureau for Family-Centered Services administers a set of services for children, birth to 21 years old, who have or…
Health Care Coordination
This program is for children and youth from ages birth to 21 who have a verified chronic medical condition. Coordinators…
Health Transition Resources
Youth for Education, Advocacy, and Healthcare (YEAH) NH Family Voices Telephone: (603) 271-4525Website: YEAH Council meets monthly to discuss…
Home Health Care/Private Duty Nursing/LNA/ Information
Different types of caregivers provide home health care services to children with special health care needs. They may be Registered…
Medical Equipment Closets
If you need a shower chair, stander, or other piece of equipment for the short or long term, theseorganizations loan,…
NH Health Insurance Marketplace “In-Person” Assistance
In New Hampshire, people can purchase Health Insurance through the NH Health Insurance Marketplace. Have questions? Want to learn more…