Bureau of Family Assistance

The Bureau of Family Assistance administers programs and services for eligible NH residents by providing financial, medical, food & nutritional assistance, help with child care costs, and emergency help to obtain and keep safe housing. Family Services Specialists (FSS) determine initial and continuing eligibility and the benefits amount, which are delivered using federal and NH guidelines and policies.

Apply in person at one of the District Offices (DO) or through NH EASY, NH’s online Electronic Application System:

Programs available are:

  • Food & Nutrition Programs: Food Stamp Program
  • Medical Coverage: MedicaidMedicare – Savings Program (MSP) – Children’s Medicaid (CM) – NH Granite Advantage Plan, State Supplemental Programs (SSP – Cash): Old Age Assistance (OAA) – Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled (APTD) – Aid to the Needy Blind (ANB)
  • Financial Assistance to Needy Families (FANF): NH Employment Program (NHEP) and Family
  • Assistance Program (FAP): Families With Older Children (FWOC) and Interim Disabled Parents (IDP) programs Child Care Assistance – Emergency Assistance – Employment and Training Programs and Support Services.

NH Bureau of Family Assistance Program Fact Sheet

The Bureau of Family Assistance posts a program fact sheet, which is updated approximately every three months.

This fact sheet gives basic information about eligibility, income, and resource requirements for each of the following programs:

Financial Assistance to Needy Families, the State Supplement Programs, which include Old Age Assistance, Aid to the Permanently & Totally Disabled, and Aid to the Needy Blind, Medicaid [Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) and non-MAGI categories], the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Nursing Facility Care, Child Support Services, NH ChildCare Scholarship, Children’s Medicaid, Pregnant Women Medical Assistance, Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, Specified Low-Income Beneficiaries, Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities, Parent/Caretaker Relatives medical assistance, NH Health Protection Program, and Family Planning Medical Assistance.

By policy, different types of income and resources are either counted or not counted to determine eligibility. This varies from program to program. In addition, some amounts can be subtracted from income. These vary by program and are shown as “disregards and deductions.” Examples of income are wages, rental income, and most benefit income, including Social Security and SSI. Resources include cash on hand, bank accounts, stocks/bonds, and unoccupied real property. Applicants must verify income, resources, disregards and deductions, identity, citizenship or alien status, social security numbers, residency, and all other eligibility factors required by the specific assistance programs.

Link: Bureau of Family Assistance
Phone: (603) 271-9700