YEAH Podcast Series: Youth Hiring Support Staff

In this series, YEAH (Youth for Education, Advocacy, and Health Care) council members talk about how support staff can make a difference in the lives of youth with disabilities, the interviewing and hiring process, backup plans, and share tips and tricks to “keep the ball rolling.” Each podcast is about 15 minutes long. Youth, guardians, and other support professionals can get some really great information from these short discussions to make hiring and working with support staff easier and more meaningful for the whole team!

Each video is captioned and can be watched or listened to:

Episode 1: Who are support staff?

Episode 2: Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program

Episode 2 Part 2: The DSP Interviewing Process

Episode 3 Part 1: What now? Back up plans!

Episode 3 Part 2: Direct Support Professionals (DSP)

Episode 4: Tips & tricks for a great partnership