Video for modelling social skills. Watch as older kids model skills for staying organized and persisting. Covers such skills as…
Model Me Kids: Organization & Motivation (DVD)

Video for modelling social skills. Watch as older kids model skills for staying organized and persisting. Covers such skills as…
Video for modelling social skill. Watch as older kids model conversation skills such as when to start a conversation, how…
Videos for modelling social skills. Watch as older kids and young adults work through some of the harder social situations…
Dr. Fabiane Curro DOT, OTR/L, models different movements and core exercises for children and young adults! Developed for children and…
Videos for modelling social skills. Join Owen as he travels by airplane- see the steps of walking through an airport,…
Videos for modelling social skills. Watch as children model appropriate behavior in a variety of community locations. Developed for children…
Videos for modelling social skills. Watch children demonstrate a variety of faces and emotions using video and song. Developed for…
This collection of short stories and poems by various authors explores what it means to live with a disability. With…
Sometimes to overcome your challenges, all you need is bravery. Follow one little boy as he proves that a little…
Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to be. Some kids at school say he can’t…
This book has been designed to help kids with limited mobility to see the positive aspects that using a wheelchair…
Having a sibling on the spectrum brings great joy. It also brings a flurry of emotions, challenges and questions. Written…
Ten year old Ethan is a big brother like no other. He was born with cerebral palsy. Life with a…
Suitable for ‘tween’ girls (ages 7-11) who have ADD/ADHD, this title offers girls, their parents, and professionals practical tips and…
A whimsical storybook for children ages 3-6 about an imaginative child with hemophilia who learns to control his pain as…
Andrew was an elementary school student who was puzzled by his frequent outbursts of anger over seemingly insignificant frustrations. Eventually,…
Specifically written to address children’s fear of being apart from the ones they love, The Invisible String delivers a particularly…
In this story, you’ll meet Nelly Moon who gets extremely nervous before riding the bus to school. Just thinking about…
Overcoming Obstacles is the second adventure in the Sophie’s Tales series about a little dog with hearing loss who uses…
A beautifully illustrated and colorful children’s book about a mom whose young child is sick. Her wish is for her…
Max has had CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder) since he was a young boy. He struggled with his disability when…
Jenny, a young girl undergoing treatment for cancer, discovers that her best friend, Dolly, also has cancer. Dolly is the…
Part story, part journal, Jamie’s Journey: Cancer from the Voice of a Sibling helps siblings of pediatric cancer patients cope…
This book is about a young boy’s journey with PANDAS, an acronym for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus….