“Maneuvering Through The Maze” has been updated and available in Spanish.
Maneuvering Through the Maze was originally produced in 1991 with the impetus being the 1989 passage of New Hampshire’s Family Support legislation (SB 195-FN-A) and the need for families to receive assistance with the coordination of community resources. In 2005 NH Family Voices resurrected the Maze. The challenge for families and individuals to find resources continues to exist and our hope is this guide book will be helpful to both parents and the professionals working with them. The Maze is formatted to take the reader from birth to early adulthood with listings of state health and human services agencies, educational resources, private associations and organizations that serve people with physical, developmental, behavioral and chronic health conditions and their families. We have also added organizations and services that can be accessed by all state residents, such as housing, childcare, etc. Programs should be contacted directly for more detailed information.
Hard copies are available. To request a hard copy call (603) 271-4525 or use the “Membership” form on the website and indicate that you want the Maze sent to you. There is a suggested donation of $15.00 to assist us in reprinting future copies.

Hi looking for the membership link but can’t seem to find it. I would love to have this resource!
Hi there,
The link to the maze is now in the footer under resources and links. You’ll find the footer by scrolling to the bottom of any page on our website. If you need further assistance, please reach out to rda@nhfv.org