December 14, 2022
You are invited to a Ticket to Work /Benefits Counseling Orientation session provided by VR New Hampshire.
The orientation introduces the Ticket to Work program and an overview of the Benefits of Counseling services. The orientation will provide an overview of how work affects Social Security disability cash benefits and health insurance (Medicare and Medicaid). It also includes information on the work incentives available for SSI and SSDI beneficiaries. Lastly, the orientation will discuss what to expect when receiving individualized benefits counseling services.
Looking forward to having you join the webinar.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u86Dn9VDTtuGbAeFMvlAcg?fbclid=IwAR3TRAyR6M7Md5dJITUhQT9pfsm1a-II2GA1FHUzS28ifbzvQUr8kKd3jsY