Laughing at my Nightmare

With acerbic wit and a hilarious voice, Shane Burcaw’s Laughing at My Nightmare describes the challenges he faces as a twenty-one-year-old with spinal muscular atrophy. From awkward handshakes to having a girlfriend and everything in between, Shane handles his situation with humor and a “you-only-live-once” perspective on life. While he does talk about everyday issues that are relatable to teens, he also offers an eye-opening perspective on what it is like to have a life threatening disease.

Please Note: Content includes adult language and content. Also is not always sensitive and appropriate regarding individuals with cognitive disabilities. However, as the author matures so does his attitude.

© 2014 Shane Burcaw
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Parent, Professional
ISBN: 125008010X
Language: Eng