I Still Dream Big: Stories Of Teens Living With Chronic Illness

Kelly was a seventeen-year-old star of her high school basketball team . . . Gevon was a twelve-year-old who played linebacker for his middle school football team . . . Crystle was a nineteen-year-old college student with big plans for the future . . . One day you’re hanging out with friends at the mall, playing basketball at school, dreaming about your latest crush, and the next you’re in the hospital hooked up to tubes and wondering whether or not you’ll ever feel normal again. Getting sick was never part of the plan. Lupus. Diabetes. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Crohn’s. Multiple Sclerosis. No matter what the diagnosis, teens with chronic illnesses share one thing in common: their lives have been changed forever by illness. Seventeen young adults share their personal stories in I Still Dream Big.

© 2009 Wolf, Penny B. Msw
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Parent