It wasn’t the moment the doctor told us Ella was dying that changed our life…it was the moment they told us she lived. Against all medical odds and without explanation from science, she had returned to us. She had been reborn. That was the moment I realized we were about to live life within a miracle. A miracle. A real miracle. A real modern-day miracle. I knew exactly what had happened to Ella without having to listen to the doctors spout their medical jargon. God responded. He answered a desperate mother’s pleas for continued life. Everything changed in that very moment. Everything. This was real. God had blessed us with a miracle. And now we were going to live life through that miracle. I was overjoyed and yet…terrified. How? How do we live life within a miracle? What? What do we expect—perfection, a life of heavenly bliss? What does this mean? What does this mean for Ella? What does this mean for our family? What is life like living within a miracle? This is the story of our daughter’s miracle rebirth and journey home. We captured this miraculous journey through an online journal that was initially created to update friends and relatives on the medical condition of our daughter. It turned into so much more…
© 2012
Audience: Parent, Professional