This book is designed to be read to a child by an adult. It can be used with two age…
My Mom Went to Jail

This book is designed to be read to a child by an adult. It can be used with two age…
Military families face stressful times that are unique to the military lifestyle. One of the most challenging situations, both for…
This children’s board book is written to address the needs of families with young children who are experiencing the return…
Kyle misses his time on Mother’s lap while she is pregnant but is happy when the birth of his baby…
Young children often experience anxiety when they are separated from their mothers or fathers. In this story a young guinea…
A beautiful book with a crucial message for kids: if something doesn’t feel right to you, speak up and don’t…
Many adult adoptees have gone through life wanting to ask questions about their birthparents. Often these questions remain unasked and…
Dr. Zork Tripork has been to Earth to find out how humans make friends. Now he is reporting back to…
A tender tale to remind the youngest of children that Mommy always comes back. “I want my mommy!” Three baby…
Here in one big lap book is everything a child and his or her parent needs to know before the…
What do you do when your best friend moves away? Will you ever have fun again? Or will you be…
Ben’s Big Decision describes many of the features and characteristics of a child with Williams Syndrome through the story of…
“Let’s Talk About Feeling Angry” (Let’s Talk About series) helps children understand and manage the difficult emotion of anger. Joy…
Each button on Laura’s memory string represents a piece of her family history. The buttons Laura cherishes the most belonged…
Brian is visually impaired. When he receives a parakeet for his birthday, he names it Scratchy because that’s how the…
There’s only one way to make Juliana’s nonstop sore throats go away, and that’s to remove her tonsils. Dr. Ward…
Sarah’s little brother, Jonathan, plays and reads and builds and waits and waits and waits for Sarah. What Jonathan really…
The love of music connects a family, even one separated by a death. “My family’s story was played on the…
Rosa is disgusted… her aunt has decided to send her to a doggie daycare center. There she faces an unknown…
Wemberly worried about spilling her juice, about shrinking in the bathtub, even about snakes in the radiator. She worried morning,…
This book explains to young children why their mother has MPD, or multiple personality disorder, now known as DID (Dissociative…
Curious about the father who left them years ago, five-year-old Kate and her older sister Glory make an expedition across…
Like many children, Danny is afraid his parents’ divorce is his fault. So on the day his daddy leaves, Danny…
The changing nature of their apple tree, as it grows and goes through the seasons, reminds Leigh and Vin of…