Supported Decision Making for Youth Transitioning to Adulthood

Supported Decision Making for Youth Transitioning to Adulthood

Supported decision making is an alternative to guardianship through which people use friends, family members and professionals to help them understand situations and choices they face, so they may make their own decisions without the “need” for guardianship. It is an emerging approach to providing decision-making assistance without imposing any long-term legal limitations on rights or personal liberties. (Blanck & Martinis, 2015). This NH Family Voices flyer explores this and outlines the legal tools to support decision-making.

(Created in Wisconsin) Video description: Jordan was just hours away from a court hearing that would have awarded his parents guardianship. In this video Jordan shares his supported decision-making story and how he almost lost his rights. Jordan and Ashley also talk about a new project they are working on for the Center of Youth Voice, Youth Choice to train other self-advocates about alternatives to guardianship.