NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS)

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the largest agency in the New Hampshire state government and is responsible for the health, safety, and well-being of the citizens of New Hampshire. DHHS provides services for individuals, children, families, and seniors and administers programs and services for mental health, developmental disability, substance abuse, and public health. This is accomplished through partnerships with families, community groups, private providers, other state and local government entities, and many citizens throughout the State.

This is the NH State Service Delivery System, whose mission is to join communities and families in providing opportunities for citizens to achieve health and independence.

Many programs and services are under the auspices of DHHS because the New Hampshire Legislative and Executive branches have recognized over the years that the majority of people who access Department services have multiple needs that require coordinated assistance from more than one program area. The Department is also charged with administering at the State level many federally enacted health and social service programs.