Category: General Transition from Special Education to the Adult Developmental Services System: A Refresher and Discussion of the He-M 503 Rule Revision - Session 3

Transition from Special Education to the Adult Developmental Services System: A Refresher and Discussion of the He-M 503 Rule Revision - Session 3

February 13, 2020

Location: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Brown Auditorium
129 Pleasant Street
Concord NH

Session 3: Public Information Session
Audience: Open to Public

The New Hampshire Bureau of Developmental Services, Bureau of Student Support and Area Agency
Community Bridges have come together to develop a one hour webinar to discuss the transition from
school services to the adult developmental services system. A discussion on the recent clarification of
He-M 503-A will also be provided.

Contributors include Bureau of Developmental Services, Bureau of Student Supports and Area Agency
Sandy Hunt, Bureau Chief: Bureau of Developmental Services, NH DHHS
Laurie Vachon, Administrator: Bureau of Developmental Services, NH DHHS
Melissa Nemeth, Director: Office of Client and Legal Services, NH DHHS
Deb Scheetz, Division Director: Division of Long Term Supports and Services, NH DHHS
Rebecca Fredette, State Director of Special Education: Bureau of Student Support, NH DOE
Heidi Clyborne, Education Consultant: Bureau of Student Support, NH DOE
Janelle Lavin, Education Consultant: Bureau of Student Support: NH DOE
Christine Brennan, Deputy Commissioner: NH DOE
Ann Potoczak, Executive Director: Community Bridges, NH Area Agency Region 4

For Public Information Session, please RSVP to Peggy Sue Greenwood by calling 603-271-5010 or

“If accommodations are needed for communication access such as interpreters, CART (captioning), assistive listening devices, or other
auxiliary aids and/or services, please call Peggy Sue Greenwood at 603-271-5010 or
At least 5 business days advance notice is requested in order to assure availability; requests made fewer than 5 days prior to the event will
attempt to be accommodated but cannot be guaranteed.”

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