Category: General The 3 “R”s Understanding Your Role, Rights & Responsibilities in the NH Special Education Process

The 3 “R”s Understanding Your Role, Rights & Responsibilities in the NH Special Education Process

April 16, 2019

Oyster River High School, Auditorium, 55 Coe Dr, Durham, NH 03824, USA (map)

5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

As members of their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, parents (and other team members) often feel like they have more questions than answers about their role, rights and responsibilities. Following the steps in the NH special education process, this workshop will provide participants with an “advocacy toolbox” of information, resources and organizational tools and strategies, and answers to parents’ most frequently asked special education questions.

Staff development certificates will be provided Pre-registration is required for this free workshop to ensure that we have sufficient materials for all participants. To pre-register or for more information, please contact the Parent Information Center on Special Education t: 1-800-947-7005 or (603)-224-7005, or e-mail us at We will provide directions to the workshop site when you pre-register. If you require accommodations please specify when registering.

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