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Self-Regulation in Children: Keeping the Body, Mind and Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD or Sensory Disorders Seminar

When: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Seminar Location


Children with Sensory Processing Disorders, ADHD or autism have much in common. They are challenged with physical problems that affect their ability to focus and can also cause them to be emotionally reactive. Children who have trouble self-regulating throughout the day are missing out on typical childhood experiences in school, on the playground and with their families. They have difficulty making and keeping friends.

This workshop looks at the underlying factors of poor self-regulation and how they affect the child. The course emphasizes practical interventions! You will walk away with details on how to create simple but effective programs in clinical, school and home settings:
Sensory therapy techniques
Simple self-management and video modeling programs
Sensory diets
Social stories
Energy regulation techniques
Communication methods
Transition strategies

Clinical programs such as Interactive Metronome®, Sound Therapy, and Neuro-Feedback will be discussed, as will timely topics such as medication vs. non-medication for ADHD and the bio-medical approach controversy in autism. You will receive written handouts and a list of resources.

Don’t miss this opportunity – register today!https://www.pesi.com/search/detail/index.aspx?eventid=31688