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Science of Relationships: The Prevention Connection

Come and learn how you can prepare children to successfully negotiate life’s journey!
Together we’ll explore the power of relationships by building children’s ability to regulate their emotions, communicate clearly, establish and maintain relationships with others as they engage in problem solving and conflict resolution. We’ll hear from local and national leaders about how strong social and emotional competence prepares children for lifelong success. Be a part of the latest discussion on child development and strengthening families! For more information click here http://www.nhchildrenstrust.org/event/summit15 To register click here:https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eaayjf0l9e3db2ca&oseq=&c=70b4e440-41c6-11e3-8967-d4ae52a6892e&ch=724c7430-41c6-11e3-89dc-d4ae52a6892e