Category: General Risky Behaviors and Staying Connected with your Teen over Zoom

Risky Behaviors and Staying Connected with your Teen over Zoom

October 14, 2021

Joshua focuses on helping parents and caregivers understand and prevent risky teen behaviors through open communication and healthy boundary setting. Whether it’s drugs and alcohol, safe driving concerns or posting information online, Joshua provides practical solutions to prevent risky teen behavior. His innovative, grounded approach helps parents and educators break through their confusion and fear to identify warning signs, implement appropriate and effective interventions, and keep the lines of communication open with teens. This presentation will help parents think critically about risks, and will leave them energized and optimistic about helping their teens become healthy, happy, successful young adults.
Online. For more information, email Shannon McNamara at or call us at (603) 924-6800 for more information. See a video of Joshua Wayne in action in the discussion here.
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