1 in 68 American children is on the autism spectrum. Join us to explore autism’s different perspectives, how it impacts children and families, and the resources that are available in NH for individuals and families with autism.
Hear from guest speaker and author Bill Drover as well as a panel discuss the symptoms of autism, support that is available, behavoiral advice and more. With the success of last year’s conversation and event, there is still so much more to talk about!
Bill Drover, author, “Stumbling Upon the Extraordinary”
- Liz Feingold, Parenting NH columnist and special services coordinator at Kearsarge Regional High School in North Sutton. Liz has been a special education teacher since 1984.
- Brian Huckins, chair, New Hampshire Council on Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Nina Sand-Loud, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth
Currier Museum of Art
Manchester, NH