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Guest Speaker at ATECH Communication and Self-Advocacy for AAC Users

This is a unique opportunity for teachers, students, families, clinicians and the public to learn about strategies, ideas and approaches that may be beneficial in working with people who are new to, or still learning to use, their own AAC devices. Crotched Mountain School alumnus, Miles Forma, is an accomplished AAC user who will speak using a Dynavox device on the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for people who are non-verbal. In his presentation, he shares the importance of using a device to build a network of friends and he hopes to inspire other non-verbal people to be strong self-advocates through the use of AAC devices.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
10:30am – 11:30am – registration begins at 10:00am
Read more http://www.crotchedmountain.org/Programs-and-Services/ATECH-Services/Workshops/Communication-and-Self-Advocacy-for-AAC-Users—August-4,-2015/
Free and open to the public. Please register by Monday, August 3rd.


Crotched Mountain ATECH Services Training Room

57 Regional Drive, Suite #7, Concord, NH 03301

For questions about the workshop or how to register, please contact:

Crotched Mountain ATECH Services at 603-226-2900 oratech@crotchedmountain.org