Category: General Comprehensive Inclusive Education: General Education & the Inclusive IEP

Comprehensive Inclusive Education: General Education & the Inclusive IEP

October 14, 2021

For a collaborative webinar of NDSC and the TIES Center entitled How Do You Create Comprehensive Inclusive Education Programs and IEPs That Focus on General Education Membership, Active Participation, and Learning?
You will hear from five dynamic speakers who will cover a parent brief on developing inclusive IEPS as well as a comprehensive resource for families and educators on planning for inclusive education programs that focus on General Education Membership, Active Participation, and Learning.
Presenters include:
RIcki Sabia, JD, NDSC Senior Education Policy Advisor, TIES Parent Liaison
Terri Vandercook, Ph.D., TIES Research Associate
Gail Ghere, Ph.D., TIES Research Associate
Jessica Bowman, Ph.D., TIES Research Associate
Jennifer Sommerness, Ed.S, TIES Research Associate
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