Category: General Careers in the Trades Discussion - Granite State Home Educators

Careers in the Trades Discussion - Granite State Home Educators

February 11, 2021

Granite State Home Educators is pleased to host a discussion about Careers in the Trades on Thursday, February 11 starting at 6:30 pm. This talk will include an overview of various types of trade careers, appropriate training paths and where to obtain them, and job opportunities in these fields. We’ll also have an open Q&A at the end of our talk.

We are honored to have Les Houston and Adam Houston join us. Les is an expert in fuel gas licensing and will speak to plumbing, mechanical sheet metal, Commercial driving licenses, and assorted building trades. Les is also an instructor with Advanced Trade School in Brentwood. Adam is a welder and will address that trade.

This free event will be presented online via Zoom; pre-registration is required. After you register, you will be emailed a confirmation code that is necessary to join the event. Please go to this link to sign up:

Our discussion will be recorded and later published on our website and social media.

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