This book is especially useful to those who plan on a college or technical school education. However, it can also help students interested in apprenticeship, remedial life skills programs, and employment after high school. The book begins with an explanation of what it means to have LD or AD/HD and the characteristic strengths and weaknesses of each. There are specific strategies for developing self-advocacy and problem-solving skills and how to use them to pursue the most suitable option after high school. Extensive guidance is offered about what criteria to look for in an educational program, how to find the right match between student and school, and how to navigate the admissions process. Course selection, special education law, study aids, and remedial supports are all discussed. And the book details a step-by-step approach to finding a job after college or straight out of high school. Each chapter includes charts, helping readers to stay organized and resource lists directing them to additional help. This is a complete, indispensable tool for anyone exploring post-secondary education or employment. It is also useful to high school guidance and college admissions counselors, and post-secondary professionals working with students with LD and AD/HD.
© 2000
Audience: Parent, Professional