“Through the Eyes of the Eagle ” is the first book in the Eagle Book Series aimed to elementary school children and introduces the character of Mr. Eagle. Mr. Eagle befriends Rain That Dances, the primary child character in the book, to educate him about diabetes and how the lifestyles and health of the people have changed. Mr. Eagle has come to remind the children of the healthy ways of their ancestors so that they can be strong and healthy again.
There are four books in this series:
♦ Through The Eyes of The Eagle is the first book in the Eagle Book Series
♦ Knees Lifted High is the second book in the Eagle Book Series.
♦ Plate Full of Color is the third book in the Eagle Book Series
♦ Tricky Treats is the fourth book in the Eagle Book Series
© 2012
Audience: Children
Contributors: Rolo, Patrick, United States. Indian Health Service. Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (U.S.). Division of Diabetes Translation, Fifield, Lisa
Language: Eng