The Tyrannosaurus Tic A Boy’s Adventure with Tourette Syndrome

This book will inspire teachers, parents, counselors and especially kids! Michael’s story unfolds with a new hurdle and difficult situation in each chapter. Told through this brave 12yr olds eyes, each problem and embarrassing tic is dealt with in his own original way, with excuses and humor. The reader will have a better understanding of what young children go through with the on-set of involuntary body movements, also known as tic’s. Children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) or other disorders will be able to identify with Michael’s struggles and challenges with his classmates and teachers. It informs and engages the reader on facing dilemmas one step at a time. It will increase awareness of TS and gain respect for children that face TS and other problems that are bigger than dinosaurs!

© 2008 Mccall, Stephen Michael
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Children, Parent, Professional