Asperger Syndrome And Sensory Issues

Book Cover, Asperger Syndrome And Sensory Issues

Asperger Syndrome and Sensory Issues attempts to explain how many children with Asperger Syndrome relate to the world through their senses. Chapter 1 is an overview of sensory integration terminology and a discussion of how the sensory systems impact behavior. Chapter 2 takes an in depth look at sensory issues associated with AS. Chapter 3 introduces assessment tools that can assist you in pinpointing sensory characteristics. Chapter 4 offers a series of intervention strategies. Chapter 5 presents a case study outlining the sensory assessment of and subsequent programming for a child with AS.

© 2000 Myles, Brenda Smith; Tapscott Cook, Katherine; Miller, Nancy E.; Rinner, Louann; Robbins, Lisa A.
Audience: Parent, Professional
Contributors: Penny Chiles (Illustrator), Winnie, Ph.D. Dunn (Foreword)
ISBN: 0967251486
Language: Eng