Comic Book in Spanish. Vivimos en Medilandia un planeta con forma de cuerpo humano. Nuestra mision es ayudarte a entender…
Book Language: Spanish
Net Cetera Español
Netcétera es una guía para padres, maestros y otros adultos que pasan tiempo con niños. Esta guía ofrece recomendaciones e…
¿DÓNDE ESTÁ OSITO? Where is Bear?
¡Conoce a Tigre, Osito, y sus amigos del bosque, Pajarito, Rana, Zorro, y Tortuga! En este fantástico relato interactivo y…
Bebes con sindrome de Down: Nueva Guia para padres
Bebés con síndrome de Down, la guía confiable que ha beneficiado a miles de familias desde su primera publicación en…
Tacos Anyone? / Alguien Quiere Tacos?
Michael is a four year old with Autism. His older brother, Thomas, doesn’t understand why he behaves as he does….
La Fantastica Hannah (The Amazing Hannah-Spanish)
Written specifically for young children with Cancer (up to age 5 or 6). Pictures show Hannah going for check ups,…
Way To Grow! Strong Bones And Teeth
Gives tips to both children and parents on how to grow and keep healthy teeth and bones. Discusses the benefits…
All The Colors We Are: The Story Of How We Get Our Skin Color (Todos los colores de nuestra piel)
Color pictures showcase the beauty and diversity in human skin color, and offers a simple, accurate explanation for how we…
We Can Do It! (Nosotros si Podemos Hacerlo!)
Colorful photos and simple text show individual children, one with Spina Bifida, two with Cerebral Palsy, one with Down Syndrome…
Do I Have A Daddy? A Story About A Single Parent Child / Yo Tengo Papa: Un Cuento Sobre Un Nino De Madre Soltera
A single mother explains to her son that his daddy left soon after he was born. Includes section with suggestions…
Featherless / Desplumado
At his new school or on the soccer field, all everyone wants to know is why Tomasito is in a…
No Fair To Tigers (No es justo para los tigres)
Mandy’ s crusade to assure fair treatment of her stuffed tiger includes a message of insuring fair treatment for her…
Que Hacer Cuando Su Nino Se Enferme (What To Do When Your Child Gets Sick)
Traducido al español, este libro cubre el manejo de más de 50 enfermedades y problemas de salud infantiles comunes. Escrito…
Intricate Minds: Understanding Classmates With Asperger Syndrome / Mentes intrincadas: cómo comprender a los compañeros de clase con síndrome de Asperger
Teens with Asperger’s syndrome talk about themselves, and their hopes. This is an excellent introduction to Asperger syndrome for middle…