Parent Information Center for Support with Transition to Preschool Special Education

Planning for transition begins when your child turns 27 months, or earlier if your child is found no longer eligible for Birth to 3 services, or as soon as possible if your child enters Birth to 3 services after 27 months of age. At this time, a written transition plan is developed and becomes part of your child’s IFSP. The transition plan lays out the steps and a timeline for what will happen over the next few months. Transition Plans must:

Transition Plans must:

  • Support for your family in exploring future service options
  • List activities to prepare your child for the transition
  • Lists parent training and information resources
  • Include, with your consent, referrals to your local area agency family support, or other community resources

Also, as part of the transition plan, the IFSP Team, which includes you, will decide whether or not your child is potentially eligible for preschool special education and discuss the notification/referral process. 

What does it mean if my child is potentially eligible for preschool special education?
The decision about whether your child is potentially eligible for preschool special education is made by the IFSP Team when developing the Transition Plan. This means that the IFSP Team, which includes you, believes that your child should be referred to special education to see if your child qualifies for additional supports and services through the school district after your child turns three. It does not mean that your child is eligible for special education. Special education has different eligibility criteria and not all children receiving FCESS will be eligible for special education. If the IFSP Team determines your child is potentially eligible, unless you choose to opt out, your Service Coordinator will send a notification/referral for special education to your local school district.

What if I do not want to refer my child?

Parents have the right to opt out of making a notification/referral to the local school district. If you choose to opt out, you must sign the opt-out form and return it to your Service Coordinator within 7 calendar days. You always have the right to change your mind later and allow the local school district to be notified that your child is potentially eligible and refer them for special education.

Get FREE personalized support

Our fiscal agent and sister organization, the Parent Information Center (PIC), is dedicated to serving families of children with Special Education needs. Like NH Family Voices, PIC provides FREE phone consultations, workshops, and resources on Special Education for families and the education professionals that support them.

Call the Parent Information Center and speak with a Family Support Specialist to discuss your child’s transition.