Bureau of Maternal and Child Health

The Bureau of Maternal and Child Health administers a broad array of programs. Community health agencies around the state receive funds through contracts with BMCH to deliver services to pregnant women and their infants, including prenatal care, child health services, family planning, and home visiting services. BMCH also administers these programs:

  • The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program offers information, support, and resources to families and care providers of infants suspected to have died of SIDS.
  • The Newborn Screening Program monitors the blood screening of all infants born in NH for as many as 32 potentially serious disorders and ensures immediate follow-up for abnormal results.
  • The Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Program screens newborns for possible hearing loss or deafness to ensure timely and appropriate intervention.

Link: Bureau of Maternal and Child Health
Phone: (603) 271-4517