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Disability Diagnosis Dialogues

749 East Industrial Park Drive Manchester, New Hampshire 03109, Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications,

Register: http://ablenh.wildapricot.org/event-2832054/Registration

ABLE NH hears from families concerns about the use of the “medical model” of disability when they first receive a diagnosis of disability pre- or post-natally.  In an effort to improve how and what families are told regarding life with a disability, there will be a community conversation with relevant healthcare professionals on March 31st, 2:00pm in Manchester, NH including Dr. Carl Cooley, individuals with disabilities, members of pre-natal diagnostic teams, and related healthcare providers who deliver a diagnosis of disability.  Mark your calendar!  749 East Industrial Park Drive Manchester, New Hampshire 03109 at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications.

The Keene chapter is collecting stories from families who had an uncomfortable experience with their healthcare provider who might have implicitly or explicitly, unknowingly or knowingly,  made disability sound “bad,” “undesirable”  “a life not worth living” “burdensome” or otherwise “gloomy” while delivering a diagnosis of disability either pre-natally or post-natally.  Submit your confidential story here, please let us know if you are willing to share it on March 31st.

ABLE NH recognizes that changing the social narrative on disability from “disability is outside normal human experience” to instead describe disability as a natural part of the diversity of human experience is critical to delivering justice and equity to the lives of people who happen to experience disability.  This is an important issue in medical ethics, please join our conversation.