August 4, 2020
GSHE is hosting an Ask Me Anything about Homeschooling event.
Grab a beverage and find a comfortable spot. We will answer any question you have about homeschooling in NH.
Tune in to our Facebook page on Tuesday, August 4, between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm
This is a public event and we intend to save it on our YouTube channel so other families can benefit from our discussion.
We will take questions through Facebook live during the event, or you can submit them in advance to info@GraniteStateHomeEducators.org; please indicate that it's for our AMA event so we know to handle them during the event. It's also a great way to ask questions anonymously if you prefer.
Please RSVP https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ask-me-anything-re-homeschooling-facebook-live-event-tickets-114578222548?fbclid=IwAR1_JbJ5mCgl6VNXcNocXtAFxzYugcV3pSiBO0No7B32jI8VaQI2nQMPlBA reserving an Eventbrite ticket, so we know you're coming -- it helps us prepare.