November 18, 2021
The 2021 Transition Conference webinar series will be based on the Frameworks from Charting the LifeCourse. Families of loved ones 13-26 are encouraged to attend. Note: all sessions will have interpreters available.
Register: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eimxcw8m20d88a0c&oseq=&c=&ch=
November 4 - Day 1:
- 12:00PM Kickoff Presentation by Corey F. Ferguson, MHA
November 8 - Day 2:
- 10:00AM Developing and Utilizing Self-Determination Skills
- 12:00PM Future Planning for Spanish Caregivers: It's Possible and Necessary Part 1
November 9 - Day 3:
- 10:00AM DDS 101: What You Should Know About DDS As The Transition From High School To Life After High School Approaches
- 12:00PM Voice and Choice: Important Discussions Around Legal Decision Making
November 10 - Day 4:
- 10:00AM Reframing Your Role: What Parents Need To Know About Their Own Adult's Transition
- 12:00PM Legacy Planning: A New Way Of Thinking About Special Needs Planning
November 12 - Day 5:
- 10:00AM Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission: An Overview Of Services For Students And Adults
- 12:00PM Transition From School to Adult Life: Using the IEP to Create Success
November 15 - Day 6:
- 10:00AM Pathways to Friendship
- 12:00PM Future Planning for Spanish Caregivers: It's Possible and Necessary Part 2
November 16 - Day 7:
- 10:00AM If I Only Knew Then What I Knew Now: Talking Transitions with Self-Advocates
- 12:00PM Supporting Young Adults with Mental Health
November 17 - Day 8:
- 10:00AM Individual Support Services: Living Independently Starts with Personalized Interdependence
- 12:00PM Let's Talk About the Money: Financial Planning Strategies, Tips, & Tools
November 18 - Day 9:
- 10:00AM Raising Expectations for Better Futures
- 12:00PM Thinking About Housing